Setting Up Payments

  1. Once you login to your Shoptype account as a Network Operator,

  2. Navigate to the sidebar and select “Payments”

  1. Hit “Add Payment”, select your Currency as USD & choose


  1. Once you Next, you’ll arrive the following window which asks you for the following 4 fields, namely:

i) Account Number

ii) Key

iii) Secret

iv) Webhook Secret

  • Optional:
    The checkbox "Is Payout same" can be selected to integrate the payouts in this step before clicking link. Care must be taken to ensure that the webhook secret is the same for both the webhooks in this case as mentioned in the payout documentation .

Integration With Razorpay

  1. Login to your Razorpay account and from the left side menu navigate to settings.

  1. From the “Settings” screen navigate to the "API Keys" tab and click "Generate Live Key". 

  2. This will now display a popup modal with the “Key ID” which will be used in the “Key” field and the "Key Secret" which will be used in the "Secret" field in the Shoptype Payment Configuration window. 

  3. Note that the Key secret will be visible only once during the creation of the key and hence it would be prudent to save these key details for future reference and use.


  1. Next navigate to the "Webhooks" tab
  2. Click "Add New Webhook"
  3. Add the following webhook endpoint "".
  4. Add a webhook secret, it can be a random string of alphanumerical characters. This webhook secret will be used in the "Webhook Secret" field in the Shoptype Payment Configuration Window.
    Note: If you opt to integrate the payouts in the same step then ensure that the webhook secret for both the payment confirmation and payout confirmation webhooks are the same.
  5. Subscribe to all the payment events by selecting "Payment Events"
  6. This brings us to our last step, obtaining the Account Number.
    Navigate to the "My Account" section from the left side menu and the ID listed as the Merchant ID will be the value used in the "Account Number" field in the Shoptype Payment Configuration Window. 

If you have selected the checkbox "Is Payout same" to integrate the payouts as well in this step, then follow the payout documentation to create the payout webhook and ensure that the webhook secret used is the same one used for the payment config webhook to complete the payout integration as well before clicking link.