1. After Payments are set up, select the Payouts option from the sidebar. This shall take you to the Payouts page.

  1. Hit the Configure Payouts button, select your currency and you’ll be able to see the five required fields namely, Account Id, Client Id, Key, Secret, Webhook Secret

Integration With Stripe

API Keys

First and foremost, it’s extremely essential to upgrade the API Version to the latest inside your Stripe Account. To do this, navigate to Developers option from the sidebar, scroll to API Version and click on Upgrade (if upgrades are available)

  1. Login to your Stripe account and from the top ribbon choose the “Developer” option and hit “API Keys

  1. From the “API Keys” page we get the “Publishable Key” which can be provided to the “Key” field in the Shoptype Payment Configuration window.

  2. To generate the “Secret Key”, hit “Create Secret Key” option, give it a name of your choice and hit “Create

  1. The key thus obtained goes to the “Secret” field in Shoptype Payment Configuration Window.

Account ID: 

  1. This brings us to our next step, obtaining the Account ID. From the Stripe Homepage, select Profile option and scroll all the way down to Accounts, you get all your Account IDs listed here, choose the appropriate one from the given list.

Client ID: 

  1. This brings us to our final step which is

  2. Navigate to Settings from the top ribbon, then click on Settings below Connect

Scroll all the way down to Integration, you’ll be able to see the Client ID here, make sure under OAuth Settings you have enabled both OAuth for Express & Standard Accounts

Now under Redirects, Add the sets of URIs that the user might possibly be redirected to post the OAuth onboarding flow is completed. Samples shown below:

[Note. While integrating with Shoptype, these two URIs are a MUST add to the list:



To integrate with Awake Money APIs, here’s a link to the documentation