Setting Up Payments

  1. Once you login to your Shoptype account as a Network Operator,

  2. Navigate to the sidebar and select “Payments”

  1. Hit “Add Payment”, select your Currency as USD & choose

  1. Once you Next, you’ll arrive the following window which asks you for the following 4 fields, namely:

i) Key

ii) Secret

iii) Webhook Secret, &

iv) Account ID

  • Optional:
    The checkbox "Is Payout same" can be selected to integrate the payouts in this step and then follow the payout documentation for payouts before clicking link.

Integration With Stripe

First and foremost, it’s extremely essential to upgrade the API Version to the latest inside your Stripe Account. To do this, migrate to Developers option from the sidebar, scroll to API Version and click on Upgrade (if upgrades are available)

  1. Login to your Stripe account and from the top ribbon choose the “Developer” option and hit “API Keys”

  1. From the “API Keys” page we get the “Publishable Key” which can be provided to the “Key” field in the Shoptype Payment Configuration window.

  2. To generate the “Secret Key”, hit “Create Secret Key” option, give it a name of your choice and hit “Create”

  1. The key thus obtained goes to the “Secret” field in Shoptype Payment Configuration Window.

  2. This brings us to our next step, obtaining the Account ID. From the Stripe Homepage, select Profile option and scroll all the way down to Accounts, you get all your Account IDs listed here, choose the appropriate one from the given list.

If you have selected the checkbox "Is Payout same" to integrate the payouts as well in this step and then follow the payout documentation to obtain the client ID and complete the payout integration as well before clicking link.