1. Once you login to your Shoptype account as a Network Operator,

  2. Navigate to the sidebar and select “Payments”

  1. Hit “Add Payment”, select your Currency as USD & choose Authorize.net

  1. Once you Next, you’ll arrive the following window which asks you for the following 4 fields, namely:

i) Key

ii) Secret

iii) Webhook Secret, &

iv) Account ID

Integration with Authorize.net

  1. Login to your Authorize.net account and from the Homepage, hit “Account”

  1. Scroll down to “API Credentials & Keys” Option

  1. Hit on Obtain “New Transaction Key” & Submit

  1. At this point you might be asked to finish the authentication process by entering the pin sent to your email, provide the pin and hit verify to continue

  1. Once Verified, you’ll be able to see “Current Transaction Key”, you can keep this safe as you might require this later. This transaction key is provided in the “Key” field of Shoptype Payment Modal.

  1. Repeat the flow, from Homepage, click Accounts, and navigate to “Manage Public Client Key”

  1. Click on the “Submit” button below “Create New Public Client Key”, a similar two factor authentication might be required and you get your “Public Client Key”. Save this key as well; this key would be provided in the “Secret” field in the Shoptype Payment Window.

  1. Next step would be to set the webhooks first, and then get the webhook secret generated. From the “Homepage” click on “Account” & select “Webhooks”

  1. Hit on “Add Endpoint”, give it a name, here we’ve called it “Payment Webhook” as we are creating a payment related webhook, but you can choose any name of your choice, in the “Endpoint URL” provide the following link “https://backend.shoptype.com/webhook/authorize/payment-confirm” (this is where all the payment related webhooks trigger from) and choose “Active” from the “Status” dropdown. At the bottom from the “Select Events” checkboxes, check “Payment Events” & hit “Save”

  1. At this point the payment webhook is created. The next step is to obtain the “Webhook Secret”. For this, from the “Homepage”, choose “Account” and navigate to “API Credentials & Keys”. Choose “New Signature Key” and hit “Submit”. Finish the two factor authentication again to obtain the “Signature Key”. This shall be used as the “Webhook Secret” in the Shoptype Payment Window.

  1. Last step is to obtain the Account ID. For this from the “Homepage”, select “Account” and navigate to “API Credentials & Keys”. Once this window opens, simply copy “API Login ID”

That’s it! At this point we have all the required four fields. We can go ahead and link the account for receiving Payments.